
Digital cutting. 

Computer-controlled cutting enables you to cut highly detailed shapes and patterns. There is no material loss and different components can seamlessly connect. This technique also provides the option to cut at different angles, as required for v-grooved or bevelled edges. The diversity of options this technique has to offer provides you with endless possibilities for design and form. This is the technique used by Shapeboards. 

Laser cutting. 

Laser cutting is precise, but it has the disadvantage of using heat for the cutting proces. Due to the thermoplastic properties of the material if using a hot laser beam, it can burn, harden and discolor the edges of the PET Felt Panel. For this reason we do not recommend this method. However, it could be suitable to use for projects where the PET Felt panel are framed. You could use this solution if you go for the Shapeboard and your own solutions. 

Manual cutting.

When cutting the PET Felt manually we recommend using a sharp knife combined with a ruler for the best possible result. A utility knife or precision knife will be sufficient. Cut the PET Felt step by step and follow the same cutting path several times for a better result. This is a good solution if you buy the small Shapeboards and want to make simple easy solutions.